Friday, August 29, 2008


So today I was thinking about sewing, or finishing the quilt on the machine, or finishing the humanitarian things I'm cutting out for the ward....and then I looked at the family's blogs. Gosh (I thought), I wish I had time to put together a blog and share some of the things that are going on here at home. Well, duh! I finally figured out how to post on THIS blog, so I thought.....why don't I put an occasional "home front" update just right on here?!?!

For those of you who just want to see the quilts, just skip over these family updates, but otherwise, I'll just update a few things here and there. No sense for extra blogs for this family, donchathink? Anyway, we're down to three kids at home right now. Crazy, huh? Actually, it's weird.

Natalie headed off to Provo/BYU and her new apartment this week; Jake's still at the hospital; and Anita's in her new structured home. All are doing well, and are making good progress. Marta and Nate both started H.S. at the new Salem Hills High School in our back yard. They LOVE it!! and Lydia moved from the elementary to the junior high...even getting to ride the bus to school for the first time!! Weird after 27 years of having grade schoolers, to NOT have that school to visit this year. (Actually, it's really nice!)

So, that's the update from here. Tonight is the first h.s. football game in our backyard. We are psyched!!

Angels continue to surround us and help us through life's struggles. I'm grateful for all of you who hold us up on a regular basis. We are very blessed. Thank you!!